The Angel Harvey Family Health Center of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago (IWS) is pleased to announce Jerry Isikoff, PhD as the new Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Jerry Isikoff has effectively served in several roles at IWS and has furthered his commitment to the mission by stepping into the enduring CEO role. Dr. Isikoff’s background in clinical psychology includes more than four decades of providing and advocating for mental health services to children and adults.
No Fish Out of Water
Dr. Isikoff began his formal appointment as CEO on August 15, 2018, after serving as the interim CEO since March of 2018. Dr. Isikoff was the Chief Operating Officer of the Angel Harvey Family Health Center of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago for three years.
During his overall time at IWS, Dr. Isikoff has been integral to guiding the organization through the Child-centered Health and Advanced Therapies (CHAT) program implementation, the introduction of Dr. Landos and his practice to the optometry clinic, and several organizational infrastructures and communications improvements. On the transition, Dr. Isikoff comments that he is “honored to have the opportunity to be a part of” the ongoing legacy of the Angel Harvey Family Health Center and is “excited to work with a Board of Directors that is committed to the mission of the organization.”
Forward Facing and Mission Driven
As the Angel Harvey Family Health Center continues to grow, Dr. Isikoff in his new role of CEO is starting with a focus on the systems that make it possible to serve patients and the community by continuing to improve employee relations and building system updates: “healthcare is evolving and as an organization we must learn to adapt” he says.
To enhance employee relations, he keeps an open-door policy with all staff as “communication is very important. It is my goal to communicate effectively… I want staff to know that I have their backs and hope that people feel comfortable coming to me so that we can find resolutions. I see the genuine commitment to our work and mission from staff every day. It is important to me that staff feel nourished to support the mission in the important work they do every day.”
Organizationally, Dr. Isikoff is improving or enhancing the tools and resources necessary to provide quality and preventive health care services. Internally, Dr. Isikoff championed the move of IWS electronic medical records system to Athena. He also improved the efficiency and productivity of the IT services. Dr. Isikoff will also soon announce the return of a previous midwifery group to provide both traditional and CenteringPregnancy© group prenatal care services.
Planning the Next 100 Years of Health Care
Overall, Dr. Isikoff is uniquely qualified to accomplish the goals he has set for the Angel Harvey Family Health Center of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago. As CEO, Dr. Isikoff will lead using his unique perspective stemming from his clinical background, passion for people, and already successful time as a leader at IWS. Expect to see continues advancements to the future of family and public health from the Angel Harvey Family Health Center of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago.