We are thrilled to announce that IWS has been designated as a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Look-Alike!
Throughout the application process and during the site visit we successfully demonstrated the work that we do to keep families healthy and strong and the success we’ve had with our life-enhancing programs and services. The application process involved members of each department and required a lot of collaboration and teamwork. We received a lot of compliments and accolades from the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) during the year-long application process. Every employee had an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to whole-health and the dedication of our team. This designation recognizes the high-quality health care that we provide for everyone.
We are so proud to become the newest members of the FQHC family. Together with your support, we will continue the high-quality and integrated services that we’re known for and in the future, expand our services to more people in need.
What this designation really means is that we can continue making sure that newborns get their vaccines on time, that 3-year olds get their developmental screenings, and that third graders get their teeth cleaned. We can provide medications to more teens, expand nutrition education for families, prenatal care to moms, and annual check-ups for dad.
This designation helps secure our future for many years to come, but your donations are as important as ever! Gifts to IWS support healthcare for children and families.
Learn more about FQHC Look-Alikes on the HRSA website.